Jose S. Azcona Bocock
We have seen, with some degree of relief, the fact that four Honduran ports were certified by the responsible entity from the United States security authorities. This is a relief, but it does not mitigate the urgent task that the Government of the Republic has to ensure that our port system is competitive and efficient.
Most of our international trade goes through these ports. Although land transport is important to our economy, it is more than anything in trade with our neighbors, less subject to global competition and the volatility that results from it. Therefore, the importance of ports for our international trade is more significant. The times and costs of the import and export of raw materials and finished products are something that companies that invest in Honduras, or that would potentially invest, take into consideration when making their decision.
Companies prefer shorter transportation times and regularity in the handling of their cargo in order to make their flows of inputs and products as efficient as possible, reducing their inventories. The cost of transportation represents a high component of the value of the products we export, since most of our exports are not high-tech, but are items with a lower value by volume. Therefore, the advantage for the country of greater investment in ports is evident.
There is an additional reason, less apparent, which is the need to increase the importance of our ports in the transshipment of cargo to our neighbors and prevent their ports from taking away our trade. This not only has the advantage of generating more income for the port but it also promotes investment in land infrastructure and the presence of companies related to exports and imports from these countries within our territory.
If we are committed to improving our port base, the main problem is how to execute the necessary steps to improve it and ensure continuity in this process in the future. It is necessary to obtain capital investments and external technical knowledge to carry out the required investments. There are different concession and co-participation systems to guarantee a healthy relationship between the people of Honduras represented by its government and whoever wishes to participate in this process.
It is necessary to recognize and take into consideration the excellent professional and technical team that has made the development of our ports possible. It would be a mistake to pretend that our potential external partners were to completely supplant those who have contributed so effectively to the development of the country. The defense of their right to continue contributing to our development must be our commitment.
World trade is accelerating, regardless of any theoretical considerations. To the extent that as a society we give our producers and transporters the facilities to participate actively in this process, we will be contributing to be included more and more in the enormous economic and wealth growth that is taking place in other parts of the world and that would help us build a better future for all.
(2004, LT)